About us


Greetings, and thank you for visiting my website.

Although I always enjoyed creative writing at school, my writing journey really began in 2014 when I set up a website called Ultimate United. It was essentially a quiz site, on which I had the facility to write articles about one of my huge passions: football, and specifically, Manchester United. The following year, I was offered the opportunity to write for a website called Last Word on Sports (LWOS), and my writing developed from there to the point where I achieved the position of Managing Editor. The links to all the articles I wrote for LWOS can be found on this website.

In April 2017, I left LWOS to focus on other projects, and around six months later, I began writing my first novel, Diary of a Call Centre Agent. Make no mistake, this book was written as a petulant response to not receiving a promotion that, to this day, I know I deserved but didn’t get because I wasn’t the boss’s girlfriend’s best friend. I said to myself, “I should write a book about this place.” Then, I stopped, and I thought, “You know? I should write a book about this place,” and then it became an experiment to see if I could get published. In September 2018, I received a contract through the post from Austin Macaulay, who published Diary of a Call Centre Agent in May of the following year.

In December 2018, I began work on my second novel, The Presence. Having always been a fan of Dean Koontz and Stephen King, receiving the publishing contract earlier in the year gave me the confidence to have a crack at writing a novel in my favourite genre, horror and, in particular, anything to do with the paranormal. In this instance, I chose to self-publish The Presence, and although I told myself many times over the following couple of years that the book was ready, it wasn’t until March 2022 that I finally published it.

Although The Presence will eventually be a trilogy, my third novel was released in September 2023, a standalone story called Ivan. Although Ivan is completely unrelated to the events at Blackmoor Hall, there are one or two Easter eggs in there that eagle-eyed readers will undoubtedly spot.

In time, more details on any further upcoming works will be released on this website and on my various pages, the links to which can be found below.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PhilipJohnMeese

Twitter: https://twitter.com/frank1980_1

Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Philip-Meese/e/B085B429JJ/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/19166182.Philip_Meese

BookBub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/philip-meese

AllAuthor: https://allauthor.com/author/philipmeese/